Nov 18, 2022Liked by Adsum Try Ravenhill

Thanks for these suggestions! Pascal's "Pensees" is another good collection of thoughts in bite-sized chunks that could be useful as well. As to commonplace books . . . for a long while I've been putting every quote I find useful or interesting on an online database, sorted with tags; it's a good way to keep all of that stuff handy in one easily-accessible place. You can look at it here: https://quotationlibrary.blogspot.com/

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Nov 9, 2022Liked by Adsum Try Ravenhill

These are great ideas, thank you!

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Such a great series - On reading well! I am going to take up C.S Lewis's advice on grabbing an old book between new ones. I highlight quotes, paras and stuff I find interesting. I wish I could collate all of them into something but yet to figure that out. I usually go scrounging through old books & quotes to find the ones I highlighted when I am writing a teaching session or sermon etc. Not productive since I can get carried away looking inside old books. I love old book shops and they are dangerous for me since I can come away with piles of books. Last week at a conference, I came home with 7 free books!! I dont have time to read the 7 on my nightstand! I need a life which only involves reading:) but that might be wishful thinking. 5 years ago we moved our son to a Classical school. At Orientation - a teacher shared how the quality of reading is more important than the quantity of reading. As a voracious reader, I have always gone the extremes of fiction, Literature, Poetry, magazines and non-fiction. I have had seasons in life. But the last 6 years I have done a deep dive into non-fiction Christian books plus the Christian classics. I actually miss fiction now, because sometimes my brain just wants to disappear into a whodunit or a romance. Everyone should read this series of yours!

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