Oct 7, 2023Liked by Adsum Try Ravenhill

Ouch, tender nerve there 😳 This is a subject I often avoid or begin by saying ‘I can’t’. Of course it would require some effort. A prayerful friend who memorizes much says just memorize one and then add another. If it takes a year, then you know one more than you did previously. I hate you were ill but I loved your testimony. I will consider the book, but I am overloaded with books right now (a happy thing).

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Thanks John, that means a lot. I would highly recommend the book, but I am certain Glenna would join me in saying that in the meantime, make time for just a verse. Am I right in saying you’re musical? Why not turn it into a short song?

Thanks Brother.

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Adsum Try Ravenhill

I just finished reading this book this week, so I really enjoyed reading your take on it. I, too, marveled at how much meat Glenna fit into such a small book. And I think the best truth I gleaned from it is that Scripture memorization is not about recitation but about the process and all its benefits, including knowing Jesus more.

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It really is a fantastic book, I'm so glad Glenna was the one to write it, she delivered on both the promise and process. Thanks for commenting! I just remembered that you commented on my last newsletter while we were away too, so I\ll go back and reply to that now!

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Adsum Try Ravenhill

This is so encouraging, I definitely want to memorise more scripture. Thank you for your encouragement

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Thanks Anna!

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