At 13:30 today Liz Truss faced the British people and the inevitable. As a result of the last 44 days, Truss resigned and announced a new leadership election would take place, concluding by the end of next week. This leaves us, the British people, effectively without leadership for the next week.
It’s too soon to guess exactly what the reaction of the British people is going to be, but I’d place money that anger, anxiety, and arguments with loved ones and friends are likely to rank pretty highly on the list of responses. On the other hand, this may simply feel like par for the course, Tony Blair, David Cameron, Theresa May, and Boris Johnson have all ended up stepping down as opposed to completing their time in office, why should we expect anything different?
The fact is that whether it’s losing a Queen after 70 years and 214 days of service, or a Prime Minister after 44 days of service, all of this is fleeting, each of them were but momentary leaders, and while we are subject to our leaders as Christians, they are not the King of Kings, and just as the Church has endured for 2000 years before us, and will into eternity, we cannot allow this moment to knock our sense of security—security we should only be seeking in our Lord.
In addition, we must not be deterred from praying for our leaders. Whether we lean Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrat, or even Green, as Christians we are called to pray for all people1, even leaders with whom we disagree—or who seem to only be visiting 10 Downing Street.
With that said, this article will only be a short one and I’m not going to spend an inordinate amount of time explaining why you should be praying for your leaders. Why? My assumption is that you probably already know that you should be. Whether you’re thrilled by this news, or you’re heartbroken, you’re hoping for a general election, or for the next leader to pull things back together, right now we need to pray for Liz Truss as she currently remains the incumbent Prime Minister, for the next leader of our Country, for our new King who has been called upon to accept the resignation of the Prime Minister who his late mother accepted into office as her last official act, just over a month after the fact.
It must also be said, this is an excellent oppurtunity for the Gospel, as many begin to feel aimless and without hope, we mustn’t be tempted to show signs of our own dismay, to the point of hopelessness, but remain stalwart, eyes focussed on our God.
Let us Pray:
King of Kings, Lord of Hosts,
You reign in the heavens and on earth, and nothing is outside of your control and eternal plan.
We trust you, Lord, help us when that wanes and threatens to break, guiding us back to a secure knowledge of your goodness, mercy, and rule.
We pray now for our present Prime Minister, Liz Truss, as she begins to make way for her successor, may she look first to you for guidance, and while it seems that all her country has turned against her, that she would find safety and strength in the shadow of your wings. We pray that she would pass the baton well, to whoever comes next. For our new Prime Minister, may they fear you and serve the people of England well. Let them be guided by your hand, and your ways.
For our King, help him to come before you and ask for wisdom like he’s never known. As he accepts the next Prime Minister into office, would his words not be ones of resignation to the reality of the situation, but would they echo something of eternity. As you have placed him upon his throne, would he be aware that whilst he is continuing the work of his mother, it is but a shadow of what she saw you do. As he serves the British people, let him do so not in fear of them, but of you.
We pray this in your mighty name,
Grace and Peace,
Adsum Try Ravenhill
1 Timothy 2:1-4