Two Peas on a Pod
If you’ve been reading this blog for a while now, you’ll probably know that I’d previously annouced that two projects would be released at the beginning of 2022, the first was an eBook called “tracking well worn paths” and the other was a podcast called “consider the ravens.”
I’m happy to announce that one of the two has been released this past week and that you can go and listen to the first episode right now on spotify! (Link at the end of the newsletter.)
As for the eBook, well, it’s not finished. The truth about writing is that it can sometimes be unpredicable and unfortunately sometimes you write something and you’re just not happy with the end result. The other reality is that sometimes other things get in the way. I have an article to write for another website, we recorded a whole bunch of episodes of the podcast back-back including author interviews and I was also sent a copy of a book ahead of the release date for the first time which I’ve been writing a review for for this newsletter. With all of that AND a reader’s guide for Herman Bavinck’s Reformed Dogmatics to work on, the truth is that I simply had far too much on my plate. I’m not going to beat myself up for it, these things happen and in all honesty I’m actually quite happy with the amount Anna and I have managed to get done recently and the guests we’ve interviewed and have lined up to interview in the near future (Chris Martin, Tim Jones, Joe Barnard, Karen Swallow Prior.)
When will the book come out? Probably February at this rate. Maybe march? I’m not sure. It will come, I will finish this but I’m not in any rush. Giving myself a hundred things to do helped me to work out how much exactly I could get done and now I know my limits, I’m content with the results. I also just wanted to be really candid with you all because I know a lot of you reading are writers yourself and it can be really hard when everyone puts on thier game face and doesn’t admit when they’ve “failed” their goals, it can make us feel like we’re the only one struggling and I know for a fact from speaking with other writers out there that nothing could be further from the truth.
With that said, I do have a new release schedule for the new year which I do intend to keep to and it will be my primary goal, alongside the weekly release of the podcast.
I’ll still be putting an article out every Sunday which will either be following a theme or a passage from the bible, but in addition I will be releasing a weekly book review which will be sent out on a wednesday along with the link to listen to our latest episode of the podcast — which will be released the same day.
If you’re interested in the podcast release schedule it will look something like this:
Week 1 - Monthly reading round-up (What have we read? What did we learn?)
Week 2 - Focus on a Book
Week 3 - Interview with an Author / Expert
Week 4 - Bavinck’s Reformed Dogmatics (In which we will discuss a chapter of the first volume of Reformed Dogmatics and hopefully answer questions if anyone has any. We also hope to have guests on to discuss.)
The first two weeks of the podcast are simply on 1. Non-fiction &. 2. Fiction. Here’s a clip from next week’s episode:
That is all I have to say today, but keep an eye out in a day or two because I have a something special coming which I think you’ll love… but you’ll just have to stay tuned to find out what it is. Until then, here’s the first episode of Consider the Ravens: